Keys To a Successful Performance Review

March 21, 2023

In the past few weeks, many of my clients have been talking about their performance reviews at work. They have described their feelings about the experience differently: positive and negative, eager and anxious, curious and indifferent. Some discussed how they were emotionally preparing themselves for it, others shared how they felt during it, and others relayed how they felt afterward.  

Performance reviews can bring up a range of emotions. Whether you go through a formal process or informally conduct one on your own, it’s important to emotionally prepare, have a healthy debrief afterward, and learn from the feedback given in your review. 

Before Your Review

So your review date has been set. Now what?

If you’re not sure what to expect, consider your company’s culture and how they communicate important messages. It may help you gauge the direction of the performance review and better prepare you both mentally and emotionally. Conduct a review of yourself beforehand—be honest when identifying your accomplishments and challenges. This can help reduce the anxiety-provoking feelings that predictably accompany this process.

Enter your review with a strong, focused, and confident mindset. Be as realistic as possible and know that your accomplishments may be minimized and your areas for growth may be presented as weaknesses. Conversely, everything you hear may be positive, leaving you without a clear direction for growth opportunities and goal-setting; you may need to do that yourself. 

During Your Review

A review should be reciprocal, so don’t be afraid to engage in a discussion and share your thoughts; give yourself permission to participate. Remember that this review is for your benefit. 

During your review, take note of how you perceive the feedback. Listen (really listen) to what is said because what is said may not be what you hear. For example:

  • Do you hear the positive feedback as just that, positive? 

  • Do you hear the negative feedback as opportunities for growth and development?

  • Do you hear feedback as constructive criticism?

  • Do you assume that what’s said is an accurate depiction of you?

Don’t forget the value of taking a moment to pause before you respond to questions and feedback during your review. 

After Your Review

Similar to your preparation before your review, take time afterward to digest what was discussed. Reflect upon what you heard and how it compares to what you anticipated, and do your best to put aside your emotions and welcome the feedback as an opportunity for professional growth. 

Reviews are your opportunity to be open-minded and learn about yourself. It’s a chance to reflect upon your reactions to constructive feedback while improving how you see yourself and your professional abilities. It’s not always easy to do this when it’s personal, but if you can, you’re also setting yourself up to do it in other aspects of your life as well. 
The purpose of a performance review is to learn about yourself, grow personally and professionally, and set goals for your future. Putting this feedback into action is the key to having a successful performance review.


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